Experience summer at the campsite
In the summer holidays at the campsite, truly enjoying!
Enjoy camping in the summer holidays at Strandpark Vlugtenburg! We have several places available that all have their own unique characteristics. Choose a luxury camping pitch or go for one of our new camper pitches? There is plenty to choose from! With us you can also experience the real camping feeling without bringing your own tent. In our luxury tents, for example!
Why Strandpark Vlugtenburg
That is, of course, a very good question! We will list a few points that we think show the magic of Vlugtenburg:
- At crawling distance from the beach
- An enthusiastic animation team for daily entertainment
- Eating at the park can be done at Eetcafé Zout
- Various cosy accommodations such as bungalows, safari tents and circus caravans
- The most beautiful camping spots for everyone
- Lots of fun activities in the area
Doesn’t that sound like the ideal place to spend your summer holidays!
Search and book
Strandpark Vlugtenburg
- Vlugtenburg Exploitation B.V.
- 't Louwtje 10
- 2691 KR, 's Gravenzande
- Netherlands
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